Do me a favor and look through the closest window you have right now. Whether in your car, your home, your office. I assume it is nice and clear, you can see right through it to another building, the clouds in the sky or maybe a tree, It is nice to have a clear window to see the outside world and with the simple things like, what color is the building, are there clouds in the sky and how big is the tree, they are straight forward answers we can all agree on with our own eyes. These simple things are easy for us to see the same thing and not fight over for no good reason but lets bring in bigger topics that cause such pain and suffering and all the conflict in the world today. Who is right a Republican or a Democrat? What about a catholic or an Atheist right? God or no god? Why do these type of questions cause so much conflict, these subjective topics, where one intelligent adult is on one side and another just as intelligent adult is on the other side.
Windows of Consciousness